A Journey Through Human Genetic Diversity – Porto
In the context of the project “Human diversity along the Magalhães circum-navigation space: genetics, history and culture”, i3S will host the exhibit: A Journey Through Human Genetic Diversity.
This exhibit recaps the voyage of Fernão de Magalhães and Juan Sebastián Elcano, from the perspective of the peoples’ genetics, population diversity and genetic heritage. The first circumnavigation, between 1519 and 1522, captained by Magalhães and completed by Elcano, was not only the first expedition around the world, but it also granted access to a large diversity of lands, peoples and cultures. Taking this journey as a starting point, we attempt to observe human genetic diversity, in both space and time, in light of today’s scientific knowledge.
The exhibit also explores the interaction between genetics and identity and between genomics and social practices. Given the complexity of our societies, some social practices can influence the shaping of our physical and social identities.
Through visual artistic expression and after doing ancestry tests, a group of artists explored the self-perception of identity based on all the narratives that defined them until then.
The exhibit A Journey Through Human Genetic Diversity will be displayed at i3S between January 16th and April 30, 2024, Monday through Sunday (10 am – 8 pm). Attendance is free of charge.
i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Technical Data Sheet:
Room 1 curators: Anabela Nunes, Júlio Borlido Santos, Luísa Pereira
Authors, scientific reviewers and content production: Anabela Nunes, Clara Tapadas, Cristina Lousada Soares, Gilberto Bernardes, GSA Design, Joana Barbosa Pereira, Júlio Borlido Santos, Luísa Pereira, Maria Rui Correia, Nuno Ribeiro, Pedro Amado, Rute Verdade, Telma Oliveira, Verónica Fernandes
Room 2 curators: Júlio Borlido Santos, Maria Manuela Lopes
Scientific guidance: Joana Barbosa Pereira
Authors: Inês Moura, Karolina Żyniewicz, Kathleen Rogers, Luísa Passos, Márcio Carvalho, MariaDe-Castro, Marta Wengorovious, Mike Croft, Paulo Da Rocha Nunes, Pete Thomas, Sally Santiago
Funding: This project was funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project “CIRCNA/CIS/0142/2019”.°