Educational Tools:
Population Dynamics at Play
This game aims to simulate the different mechanisms involved in the evolution of populations that change by the increase and decrease of genetic diversity through mechanisms such as: mutation, genetic recombination, migration, genetic drift, gene flow, natural and sexual selection, bottleneck effect, founder effect, panmixia, inbreeding, and outbreeding. To simplify the comprehension of these processes, we eliminated the chronological order, condensed their scale (thousands of years) to the game’s duration, and focused only on the “colour” characteristic, not considering other multiple characteristics or the genetic diversity derived from genetic recombination during reproduction.
This game provides a playful way to understand the dynamics of human populations and how these evolve. The game was developed to be used either as a leisure activity with friends or family or as an educational tool for the classroom with high school students.
We have therefore provided the game for download in Portuguese and English. Teachers or students can print it, assemble the board, cut out the cards and explore the game independently.
To facilitate the application of the game in a classroom or with students in educational environments, we have created an educational exploration guide. We suggest resources and activities to explore before and after the game. Based on the game cards, we’ve included a glossary with some basic population genetics concepts and a list of questions and assignments to explore them.