Ancestry Traveller


Co-production: a multidisciplinary approach to science and engineering

The “Human diversity along the Magalhães circum-navigation space: genetics, history and culture” project, in collaboration with the “Hybrid Lab Network” project, participated in an online hackathon to explore a multidisciplinary approach to science.

During the hackathon, four teams were invited to explore a scientific theme and build a STEAM educational toolkit, combining Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math, in a co-production effort.

The scientific themes were:

What is cell biology?
What is gene editing?
What is Human Genetics and diversity?
What is ethology?

The theme/group on human genetics and diversity had Luísa Pereira as a scientific expert and was promoted by the “Human diversity along the Magalhães circum-navigation space” project team.

The general question of the hackathon was how to assemble multidisciplinary teaching and learning modules for multidisciplinary audiences using a STEAM approach. Specifically how to innovate the learning and teaching of biotechnology for higher education institutes, citizens and the general public.

The hackathon’s full program and objectives are available at:

Luísa Pereira, i3S researcher and leader of the Genetic Diversity group presents an introduction to human genetics and diversity.